Individual Therapy
How it works
One-on-one online sessions can be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 90, depending on your unique needs and situation. We can even arrange for “intensives” lasting for longer periods or greater frequency during those times when life is especially challenging, or you want to do really deep work on those complex issues where the “50-minute therapy hour” is just not going to cut it. You’re in charge, and we’ll work at the pace that makes the most sense for you and your unique goals and situation.
I can help with:
You are unique, and no one has ever lived the same experiences you have.
The path that you will follow toward your most heart-felt goals and dreams must be equally unique, and you must be in charge. My role is not to “fix” you. Rather, it’s to help you clarify where you are in life, where you’d like to be, and how to get there in a way that aligns with your True Self in absolute integrity.
In all my work, I use a trauma-sensitive, neurodiversity-affirming, strengths-based perspective. I am not a big believer in diagnoses or labels, except to the extent they help you obtain insurance coverage and (if necessary) qualify you for appropriate supports and services. I see autism, ADHD, trauma, and other conditions as only a part of what makes us who we are, and I do not see them as “disorders” or pathologies.
Moreover, I view each of us as parts of the systems and relationships in which we live, not as stand-alone individuals. We are both affected by and in turn affect the environments in which we live. Helping you navigate these relationships is a big part of what I do.
I use a combination of different therapeutic approaches and styles in my work, including both cutting-edge evidence-based Western psychological modalities and more spiritual, holistic, mind-body-spirit practices deeply rooted in ancient wisdom traditions. Regardless of the specific methods we will use along your journey, my approach is always rooted in the principles of nonjudgment, compassion, and loving-kindness.
You are the world’s foremost (and indeed, only) expert on you. My job is to help you see yourself even more clearly, so you can let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve you, build new ways of thinking and feeling and being that empower and inspire you, and get back into alignment with your True Self.
There’s nothing sacred about the 50-minute “therapy hour” once per week, so if you need longer sessions or would like to meet more often, that’s entirely possible. We’ll design a program that will get you where you want to go in a way that makes the most sense for you. I am also happy to collaborate with other important people in your life - medical professionals, coaches, family members, teachers, and so on - with your permission, if you feel that would be helpful.